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All Things Star Trek

I liked Strange New Worlds season 2 more than i thought i would but it was very uneven. The first few episodes were good. The cartoon and musical episodes are some of the worst episodes of Star Trek ever, especially those old scientists. I don’t watch Lower Decks, it was pretty cringe. The episode where they murdered the Klingon ambassador was easily the worst of the lot, i didn’t even really mind the riffing on City on the Edge of Forever where Khan’s descendant falls in love with alternate timeline Kirk, or even the one where Spock acts silly because he is fully human.

What did give me a double take was Kirk’s father was first officer on the Kelvin? What that was in the JJverse not Prime, in canon he was supposed to be first officer under April on the first Starship Enterprise and i don’t mean the NX-01.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

I haven’t read them but based on what we know of them i think George Lucas sequel treatments sucked.

Everyone online is like zomg why didn’t Disney make his sequels.

Whills and Midichlorians and Darth Maul as the big bad are terrible.

The actual trilogy Lucasfilm made under Disney ownership is probably not as bad. But also is disjointed because they wanted to avoid prequel like worldbuilding and politics. And it was a bit of an overcorrection. They really should have shown where the resistance and first order came from, how Kylo Ren came to be and who Snoke was and why Luke failed. And i don’t mean the answers Rise of Skywalker gave.

What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

Superweapon VII said:

Spartacus01 said:

Also, the chronological order is the order George Lucas told us to watch the movies, and there is a reason for that.

Yeah, 'cause he’s a revisionist. Star Wars is the Tragedy of Darth Vader. Star Wars has always been the Tragedy of Darth Vader.

Yeah if you read the story conference for Splinter of the Mind’s eye you know it isn’t true.

But i think he started towards that line of thinking during Return of the Jedi, and if not then at least when he was being interviewed for from star wars to jedi. Then you go all the way up to the year he started writing the prequel and those Leonard Maltin interviews.

People take what he says and believe it when it would be easier to just admit that he Lucas constantly revises.

I don’t begrudge him for wanting the prequel to be different from the OT i can also be critical of it, too much focus on the setting and cgi and not enough on the characters and the plot. Also its not the same fun serial adventure style of the OT.

What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

I watched this behind the scenes thing that aired on 60 minutes which i never saw when it aired someone put it on youtube, the whole thing comes off as Lucas directing a video game not a movie. This is on Phantom Menace. Lucas pointing out all the stuff the animators have to cgi into the movie while he sits in that theater with the journalist.

I’m kind of glad i never saw that and went into the movie not knowing how much of it was green screens and fake cgi backgrounds and characters, because i had no expectations. I would have been like what the heck if i saw the unfinished unflattering behind the scenes as is footage.

What do you HATE about the EU?

I’ve probably said it before but i hate that they killed Anakin Solo making Chewie’s death and sacrifice meaningless. I hate that they ruined Jacen Solo. I hate that they killed Mara Jade Skywalker. I hate Vergere being a Sith, i hate Abeloth, the new Sith tribe and i hate how they ended the story of Callista and i never was a fan of hers.

I actually liked the story in KOTOR but being a videogame where you choose your character is good or evil, male or female its not really something to base a series of films or books on. The games are so loosely connected they don’t tell one cohesive story. And Old Republic is all the more worse for that since it doesn’t really care about lining up with Kotor 2 because Obsidian made it not Bioware. In recent years other than the mostly excellent Legendary Edition of Mass Effect i really believe they deserve the title of BeWare.

For those who are familiar with it, what do you think of the fanscript of "Fall of the Republic"?

I remember some magazine interviewing Flynn and actually thinking this would be the prequel movies. Can’t remember if it was cinescape or sci fi universe, one of those magazines that always had wild stories of movies and scoops that almost never came to be accurate. They weren’t exactly Starlog. I think Mark Altman and Robert Meyer Burnett came out of that scene.

how did you react to the Yoda Reveal?

Superweapon VII said:

I recall seeing the cover art for the Faces set before I watched any of the films. So I wasn’t altogether surprised when it was revealed the alien whose big green face emblazoned the ROTJ tape was Yoda.

I’m jealous of those who got the proper theatrical viewing experience.

I’m quite jealous as well seeing as how i first saw Empire on video cassette in 84. And only saw Jedi in second run in 1985 during its re-release and in a really bad theater. I was fortunate or unfortunate to be old enough to buy tickets to see the 1997 special edition. and Star Wars literally sold out for like a week where i live in 1997.

I wasn’t old enough to see Empire in 80. I wasn’t even born when SW came out in 77. My older brother was basically only 4 months old at the time as well.

Strong Female characters in the Star Wars universe

I actually liked Padme in Phantom Menace. And other than excusing Anakin killing the Tusken’s she was alright in the second, she is basically just barefoot and pregnant in the third, because they cut out all the scenes where she was a leader. The founding of the rebellion scenes should have stayed in the movie. I also think the scenes with her family humanized Anakin and Padme and should have stayed as well in Attack of the Clones.

Lucas wants the movies to be super fast paced and to never lag. I like the Tatooine scenes with Beru and Owen in II and Anakin’s family. Way too short. Its like he extends the really bad cgi scenes in the prequel and the over the top action and avoids human scenes because he is bad at writing them.

Your DVD Collection

Added Tenchi Muyo OVA funimation blu-ray and DVD set. It is long out of print and usually sells for a hundred and fifty. I scored it for 50 bucks.

Added the first half of the OVA from the Japanese release, and the movie trilogy set was only a hundred total a steal.

Added Star Trek Strange New Worlds season 2 digital.

I also ordered some laserdiscs but apparently they got lost in the mail. Seller is looking for them. All Japan anime without any english subtitles or dubs. I’m kind of not happy because i long wanted that Outlaw Star laserdisc. The second Tenchi movie i have already so that is kind of disappointing because i was trying to build a second set to sell and keep one, but the Sailor Moon R title is so common its not a loss really its like a ten dollar or less item.

Edit: Laserdiscs arrived.

I did receive my Sailor moon disc, and my Galaxy Express Eternal fantasy. As well as my Ah My Goddess Skuld episode in CAV with all the laserdisc inserts and no OBI. And the third Tenchi Movie.

Also preordered Mando season 1 and 2 blu-ray.

Edit: Mando sets arrived shipped in nothing but a paper bag for steelbooks, miracle their was no damage. Nice art cards. Cases hold discs too hard, disks nearly impossible to get off spindle without breaking them, horrible cases. I barely managed it and put them in sleeves.

They also sent my limited anime steelbook yesterday in nothing but a paper bag and it arrived dented. I don’t recommend Amazon. Lowest prices yes, long wait to ship, always packed poorly you play nothing but the roulette wheel of luck to get your books and blu rays in acceptable condition. It was by pure luck my anime arrived from Japan in new and undamaged shape shipped in nothing more than a cardboard envelope for documents, no hard box no bubble wrap.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

Under Kennedy’s tenure at Lucasfilm there has been more collaboration and a willingness to delegate seeing how she just elevated Dave. I can’t sweep under the rug all the directors who have been fired or quit over creative differences, and the total lack of most planned movies never getting made. But over all its not the dictatorship of the prequel. Its closer even to the OT where Lucas was willing to listen to other people’s ideas. And got input from them and even delegated to other directors.

Had Lucas made his sequel he should have followed the same process of the original, get other writers. Hire the best editors, take advice from friends. Direct only the first one.

The Unpopular Film, TV, Music, Art, Books, Comics, Games, & Technology Opinion Thread (for all you contrarians!)

CourtlyHades296 said:

It is wrong to assume that your digital movies will be preserved by the studios, who recently cancelled films as tax write-offs and deleted films from digital collections. The only way to legally own a film is through physical media.

Disney erased Willow tv series from their service. Its never going to be officially on Blu-Ray either, they’ve only encouraged piracy.

Last movie seen

Best of series Japan Laserdisc of American Graffiti. I don’t recommend this transfer at all. Its one of the worst i’ve ever seen. I mean i can forgive that its pan and scan but its worse than some VHS tapes i have seen. Yes the sound is digital audio but its tinny sounding and absolutely terrible. Like someone taped a radio broadcast on cassette.

I’m just going to have to get the 1996 letterbox THX disc of the pre Special Edition and see if its better. I might have to settle for the revised 1998 edit if the sound and image is superior. the Signature collection.

I didn’t bother with my MCA Discovision disc its gotta be worse than the one i just watched. And its analog audio only.

What do you HATE about the EU?

I hate the name Sheev, and i hate that Palpatine was renamed Darth Sidious more than Stewjon even if its idiotic. Just like i prefer apprentice over Padawan. I know this had nothing to do with the EU but, i dislike it as much as Yoda and Palpatine even having lightsabers.

Canon is whatever until George decided to change something. He was like Indiana, i’m making it up as i go.

They really need to stop pretending the tie in fiction that comes out of licensing is on the same level as the film and tv canon. They just keep upsetting people every time Filoni changes something.

What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

If not for Anakin being a greedy dumbass, i’d blame his fall completely on the prequel Jedi. They did everything they could to make him bottle up his feelings and be afraid of them, separate him from his only family and teach him that human bonds of compassion and affection were abnormal.

The Jedi were like a weird cult.

Had he been freed as a slave on Tatooine, he either would have been a pilot on a freighter making grain or water shipments, or a moisture farmer if not conscripted into the Imperial Navy. And probably not become Darth Vader, though its hard to say.

What do you HATE about the EU?

Yeah Vader was supposed to be one of many Dark Lords. As per the Lucas/Foster story conference on Splinter, and in the novelization of Star Wars. That part was never edited out of the book itself but the audio tape abridgement changed it to just Vader being the Dark Lord. in the 1990s. John Whitman did the edited abridgement.

Rather than rewriting or having a new novelization of Return of the Jedi it just became non canon. Since Obi-Wan isn’t Owen’s brother in the prequel. And it wasn’t Obi-Wan’s hubris that lead to Anakin becoming Vader. Leia remembering her mom. Yoda wasn’t his Jedi Master.

Honestly the prequel itself should be struck from canon its done too much damage to Star Wars, even if i like Phantom Menace and i like Qui-Gon.