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Do any Star Trek 35mm scans exist?

for Star Trek III, and IV. The HD 1080p versions that were large files with the optical print audio appear to have been taken down. I don’t have 'em, but i know the scans were done.

Before they were deleted i saw them online but i didn’t download them, the only reason i even found out about them was searching for a scan of Wrath of Khan, which to my knowledge doesn’t exist.

Which one do you like more? The Prequels or the Sequels? And why?

I was coming around to appreciate them more then Lucas attacked the fans again, my hatred of the prequel stems towards his treatment of the originals and refusing to make a sequel trilogy at least in part.

If i could divorce SW from Lucas I’m picking the EU over both the Prequel and sequel, though i have a soft spot for Phantom Menace, and have liked aspects of Last Jedi but not the whole. My Star Wars world is Luke Skywalker his friends, those characters. Its not anchored to Disney or the Prequel.

New Lucas interview - the originals "look terrible"

Haarspalter said:

That interview confirms one more time that the GOUT 2006 DVD was Lucas’ deliberate middlefinger in the face of the OT fans. And his stupid argument that it looked bad and that is why his numerous Special Edition iterations are better … what a terrible & dumb justification.

Also worth noting as he mentions ‘the director, or the writer or the filmmaker’ … he basically justifys his ‘clean-ups’ on EMPIRE and JEDI since he was not the director. As i remember in earlier interviews he always referred to the directors right.

Very much this. He promised Kersh final cut, the same thing he promised to Steven on Raiders as well. Okay Lucas directed the first film in 1977, but he didn’t direct Empire, or Jedi.

To be honest this entire i interview irks me, I’d argue the EU writers knew Star Wars better since he claims to be the only one who gets Star Wars. And of course he is shitting on Disney again despite having sold the company and recently backing Iger saying making magic is not for amateurs.

New Lucas interview - the originals "look terrible"

Yeah the laserdisc did look bad as a bonus disk in 2006 on the DVD, and people were rightly mad. I don’t remember anyone hating the laserdiscs when they were released except for how expensive definitive collection was. Friends of mine, schoolmates all wanted to be able to afford a laserdisc player or the movies. Most of us had to settle for VHS. I didn’t get a player til 2005.

I still to this day wonder why George thinks people will throw rocks at him for the originals.

My favorite part of the article is Lucas passing shot at Disney and how they don’t understand the Force, lol. Same old George.

Original Trilogy 6.5k or 8k scans

They were conformed to the 1997 edit they physically took the o-neg apart washed it chemically replaced all the bad cri stock, and also replaced all the old opticals with newly recomposited effects from old film pieces Lucas saved. Even the 2k render of the cgi was printed back to film, this was all hand spliced together by a negative cutter with cement like the old days. In theory using several other sources you could reassemble the original edit. Has the duplicate negative with the misaligned color layer been checked in recent years? They can fix that digitally now but it wasn’t possible in 1997.

Your DVD Collection

I could have sworn i had The Last Crusade in Letterbox Laserdisc from Japan but couldn’t find it so i bought a no frills viewing copy for 6 bucks, its loose from the box set. The cover is damaged. But if the discs play what do i care. I just want to see all 3 films.

So i have Raiders Rental with OBI Letterbox, Temple with no OBI Letterbox, and Box set Last Crusade Letterbox.A weird way to watch them sure. But i paid 24 for Raiders, 13 for Temple and 6 for LC, way less than the 80-100 dollar price the boxed set goes for. It also means i don’t have the making of disc but i have the making of Raiders from the us release, and great movie stunts which the Japanese set doesn’t, yeah its analog no digital, but is digital sound and great adventurers and their quests worth another 50, not for me.

While looking for LC letterbox i tested both the evergreen pan and scan which was nice, and first issue which is rotten.

I also tested 3 Criterion titles so far Akira was very nice, same for CAV DR No, Ghostbusters CAV is rotten its an expensive gatefold this made me furious. Going to have to test all my Criterions there is a good chance most of them will have rot, i hope its just Ghostbusters.

Original Trilogy 6.5k or 8k scans

I was referring to the Vistavision process i’m aware Doug’s large format shows have been scanned at much higher resolutions warranted for 65mm neg, i should have been more clear.

For years i advocated they go back and scan the Vistavision in 6k for Star Wars i kept being told the detail wasn’t there. Its a moot point its not getting restored in my lifetime, period. The negative is in a vault somewhere and Disney is perfectly happy with the 4K DI. People don’t even bother petition Disney Lucasfilm, they are either happy with 4K77, 4k80 and 4k83, or Harmy’s projects or just have given up and moved on.

Star Wars 1977 has been suppressed for 40 years its never getting released again, i wish it weren’t so. I wish in May 25th 2027 there would be a perfect print in the cinema for the 50th anniversary, but I’ve been down this road multiple times since 1997, its not happening.

Original Trilogy 6.5k or 8k scans

I only know of one movie that went back to the original effects and scanned higher than 4k Star Trek the Motion Picture.

I suppose like there they could scan the Vistavision shots at 6k. It just seems like something Lucasfilm wouldn’t do when most of the special edition is locked to 2k or lower res anyway depending on the shot. In theory they could redo the original cuts in 4k or higher but we are talking about matte printers and optical composited visuals its not my level of expertise, the guys you’d have to ask are John Dykstra or Dennis Muren if it would be possible.

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

I finally watched Kenobi, despite being very fanfilm like i liked Obi Wan’s relationships with the other characters, especially Leia. I liked him grieving Anakin and realizing Anakin made a choice to be evil, to become Vader. He had to forgive himself. The worst aspect is the inquisitors you could cut them entirely, and just have Vader tracking him with probes or a bounty hunter. Also the lack of Star Warsy music there was none beyond Williams theme for Obi- Wan. The fighting style for the lightsaber duels was wrong and if they wanted it to look OT should have visually followed the style of Rogue One. Design wise it also looked fanfilm from poor choreography, to designs that didn’t look Star Wars. and Obi-Wan not developing a relationship with Luke is a joke. But i do think Ewan and Hayden were good.

Also the shaky cam and lightsabers looked like a fanfilm.

Cinematography and detail were stunning for Blu-Ray.

For a not necessary character Reva holds her own, her wanting revenge on Vader is a believable motivation, despite her evil acts in trying to harm or kill children. They make more sense than Anakin learn the dark side to save Padme, and then him crushing her neck with the dark side because of his posessiveness. Then Padme dying of a broken heart.

I’m watching Andor next.

George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator &amp; Time Travelling Revisionist...

crissrudd4554 said:

And technically Spielberg is STILL revising his films on home video. Maybe not to full on Lucas level but the idea that the versions of his movies available right now are fully true to the theatrical versions is false. There’s been recompositing, minor digital tweaks to correct matting and other things, changes in color timing, changes to audio. So if anything he’s not really proving himself to be any better than his buddy George when it comes to preserving his work as is. Yes the changes might be minor in comparison but they’re still changes.

Also the ET Special Edition is only available on DVD i saw that in cinema on 35mm it should be available in HD whether one likes the changes or not.

Speaking of Lucas did he always see Star Wars as a silent movie or was that just another way to defend the dialog in the prequel trilogy?

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

Channel72 said:

When TFA came out in 2015, Daisy Ridley’s performance - and her chemistry with Finn - was actually one of the major aspects I liked about the movie. It was such a breath of fresh air to see actual acting and chemistry after 3 Prequel movies of non-stop wooden acting and lifeless characters.

But that turned out to be just a small silver-lining after the Sequel Trilogy devolved into a catastrophic incoherent mess. As for the upcoming movie, Daisy Ridley is a good actress, but it’s hard to be too excited about this new movie. I mean, even Adam Driver’s amazing performance couldn’t save the Sequels. It’s really all about the writing - and so far Disney has been sorely lacking in that department.

I liked the aspect of her being a scavenger but like Finn being a runaway Stormtrooper they did nothing with it. So disappointing, they were so desperate to hew to the OT they did nothing new. Rey being a nobody i really liked. Really what i hate more than anything is Rebels vs Empire again, and Jedi VS Sith. I’m not saying i wanted a midichlorian macrobiotic world but some difference would have been nice.

I give ILM credit for the effects and production design was top rate, and cinematography were great. Good looking movies, decent acting, good music, the screen stories are lacking.

Favorite OT Color Grade (Official Releases)

I only watched like 5 minutes of Star Wars i thought it looked rather good in HDR mode, but yes i can see the frozen grain and lack of sharpness. On disc not plus i don’t do streaming i believe in owning my media.

So yes that means i have the Disney trilogy Rogue One and Solo, and the prequel trilogy all in 4K. I just don’t have the Disney plus shows in 4K and i honestly have no intention of rebuying them in 4K.

I have watched the blu-ray discs. Once just like the 2011 set.

Are you glad Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney or do you wish he hadn’t?

Channel72 said:

fmalover said:

In that scenario I fear Lucasfilm would have turned into Filoni’s fanfiction playground. I’m glad we aren’t living in that world.

Wait what? I am actually living in that world. Can you help me build a transdimensional portal so I can come to your timeline, where Lucasfilm isn’t just Dave Filoni’s fan-fiction playground?

i’m actually laughing out loud because yes since Clone Wars we have been living in Dave’s world with Star Wars.

I don’t think George had an intention of making sequels reading the artbooks it was Kathy Kennedy who decided on a sequel trilogy when she was VP. And by all accounts the original characters were going to be cameos at best, and not even characters at worst. Since Disney wanted their own stamp on Star Wars. George showing Rick Carter and the art department his treatment is very bizarre since he had sold the company.

Last movie seen

American Graffiti THX laserdisc from 1996. Really crummy transfer with good audio. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just ported over a VHS because its so soft and blurry its junk.

The bootleg 35mm telecine of the 1973 version blows this official release away. Though the original DVD looks the best of all the releases, even with DNR. The worst is either Laserdisc that isn’t the Signature Collection or the 4K.