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Pre-ANH original 77 version VHS tape?

And the Gout disc is at best a facsimile. 77 crawl on 1992-93 video transfer with 1993 audio.

The smashing glass sound in the detention block is something i will never not hear with this version of the movie and i absolutely loathe it.

They had access to some low fade interpositive or internegative which looks very very nice, but they messed up the colors and used DNR. It was a sign of things to come, there will never be a good looking version of the original film at least officially.

Pre-ANH original 77 version VHS tape?

Nope. The 1981 cut is what made its way to video in 1982. I have the FOX rental Tape. The roll up was reshot and starfield changed? The audio is original though its the theatrical stereo mix. Not the digital mix created later.

Its also pan and scan and not in letterbox. I don’t know if the tape is time compressed or not i haven’t watched it since 2006. It had tape rot, just like my first pressing Laserdisc has laser rot. I wonder if the thing even tracks anymore or would ruin my VCR.

What do you HATE about the EU?

Zahn used the term Dark Jedi to refer to Palpatine and Vader. I guess he had no idea what a Sith was?

I mean other than wanting The Noghri to be the Sith race, and Vader Lord of the Sith.

I mean i’m glad the Old EU Aka Legends has been left alone they haven’t gone back and given darth names to all the non Darth Sith Lords, or retroactively gave them all red lightsabers. And they didn’t edit the timeline or backstory Zahn had in his trilogy about the old Empire, the Clone Wars, they didn’t correct the ideas of the Jedi pre prequel to homogenize them with Lucas.

What i hate is the need to believe it was all one big consistent canon when it never was. KJA was full of it when he wanted to write that tome about the history of the Star Wars universe, never mind the published Chronology was way different than promised. He promised the existing EU fit the prequel. I mean i know there are fans of these things, but i understand why Disney binned it all. It didn’t fit Filoni Clone Wars either. So they said we’ll put it in the trash bin and call it Legends.

What do you HATE about the EU?

The dark nest trilogy was awful. So was the Caedus storyline. I hate Mara’s death. I hate the Abeloth and Mortis story. Though it might be interesting the Jedi and Sith joining forces, if they had done something interesting with that concept they didn’t.

I hate how they killed Anakin Solo. The Vong story is probably one of the worst things ever. But the publishing people didn’t care because NJO sold a lot of copies.

Basically for me the EU ends with the Thrawn Duology. I like Ben Skywalker, and Luke and Mara getting together but everything else i pretty much hate. Was the Bantam era perfect far from it. Still prefer it over Del Rey, Superweapon of the week and all.

Legacy of the Force and Fate of the Jedi arcs were garbage. The worst novel i’ve ever read was Crucible.

I like Cade Skywalker and Deliah Blue, i don’t like how much of a mary sue Darth Krayt was.

Last movie seen

I hooked up my laserdisc player and watched some of Tenchi Muyo in Love 2. And Return of the Jedi. Tenchi is only in Japanese, the other was the HK THX disc for ROTJ. Pan and Scan. Interesting watching the old X-files previews at the beginning and the Leonard Maltin Interview with George Lucas. Tenchi in love 2 has a near DVD quality picture and is very good, the Hong Kong Disc for JEDI is very washed out and not so good. I honestly think the VHS has better resolution, the only thing that excels is the PCM sound its loud and wonderfully robust.

The skin tones are very red on the actors faces, i thought at first it was my tv but its properly calibrated so its the THX remastering.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

I don’t care about Star Wars canon anymore. I just enjoy what i like from the films, tv shows or expanded universe. None of it fits together to tell a larger narrative but that is okay.

I have friends who are legends or die types, OT only, prequel stans. I honestly don’t care.

Even Disney Star Wars i like the animated and the comics and i like Ahsoka. I even like the sequel trilogy, even if i hate how they dealt with the legacy characters. I mean its just a movie, enjoy it or don’t. I moved on from my love/hate relationship with the sequel to now bargaining on hating or loving Dial of Destiny.

How's Palpatine like Nixon?

I think Lucas probably based some of his characteristics on Ming minus the racism. And on the Wizard of OZ. Probably also the Emperor from Dune and a slimy politician controlled by the bootlickers. The reference to Nixon probably was about Vietnam and Watergate. Lucas using a public corruption to describe to Kasdan who the Emperor was. Then again Lucas saw the time before Kennedy’s assassination as a sort of golden time we can’t return to. Watch American Graffiti. Kennedy’s death the end of democracy, Buddy Holly dying and the British invasion the death of rock and roll.

Curt you can’t stay 17 forever, the death of innocence. Hangs over that movie.

What if The Prequels were based on the Pre-PT EU and were more "OT Accurate"?

I’m not really focused on the EU, but i think Yoda and Palpatine should never have had a lightsaber in the prequel. Lucas should have stuck with his original prequel outline. Vader hunts down the Jedi no order 66. Ben and Vader duel over a volcano. Leia’s mom goes to Alderaan and died when she was very young. Somewhere in there Ben tries to sway Anakin back to the good side and fails leading to their duel and Anakin finally needing the suit to survive.

The only thing i’m not sold on was the original love triangle between Ani, Luke’s mom and Ben. I don’t think Lucas could pull it off.

Things i wonder about Anakin being portrayed as an adventurous man who didn’t care about farming but wanted to solve things with his lightsaber. He wanted Luke to have his lightsaber when he was old enough. Those idealistic crusades Ben spoke of. What were they?

Were the Clone Wars about Mandalorians fighting the Jedi like Revan in Kotor? Where did the Clones fit in.

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

I found the first episode to be quite enjoyable. Despite finding the music lacking and the fact most of the characters had no warmth or levity. Were too stoic. I wonder if it just gets worse as time goes on , or is my opinion going to be out of the mainstream. I mean it felt Star Wars to me, unlike a lot of Disney Star Wars. I could picture this actually happening in the GFFA Lucas created. Was it perfect no. Visually interesting if some of the cgi was fake looking and in very obvious cgi sets and greenscreen.

Last comic read

Just bought Flash Gordon in the Ice World of Mongo. With a introduction by Al Williamson. Black and White reprint of Alex Raymond. 1967 Nostalgia Press. I also just got in the black and white printing of Into the Water World of Mongo from 1971. Which is supposed to be proofs supplied by Williamson, though the reproduction is quite lacking.

Edit: was finally able to get volume 1 of the ridiculously priced and out of print Rip Kirby Volume one from IDW for under a hundred dollars. Now i just have to find the Definitive Flash Gordon and Jungle Jim for a non insane price from the library of comics from IDW, or Titan Books UK version of Flash. Going for over a hundred each now since both Titan and IDW lost the license to Mad Cave.

It isn’t just Alex Raymond either they let the Al Williamson Star Wars books and Secret Agent Corrigan go out of print as well. I don’t like paying collectors prices. I’d rather pay the 40 dollar cover price.

Addendum:The reproduction on Rip Kirby volume 1 is rather poor. Now i know why it got so many negative/mixed reviews. Volume 2 and on have very good reproduction and the art is better.

Your DVD Collection

Added Discotek Urusei Yatsura collection 3. It cost me 25 more thanks to the death of Rightstuf. Had to get it from Anime Corner store.

Added Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Part 1 Steelbook 4k.

Added Star Trek IV: The Voyage home sealed with OBI evergreen Japanese Laserdisc. Gatefold.

Edit: my copy of Star Trek IV arrived and its a beauty looks brand new. Just opened it can’t wait to watch it.

Thoughts on One Canon?

Disney wanted all one canon. Just so you had to buy every comic, book, video game and watch every show. Its cross merchandising. Its like when Lucas didn’t show the clone wars on the movies and expected you to buy into all the other ancillary material to know about them. Its cynical and driven by profit. Not so good for story, but great for corporate driven interests.

A consistent canon is only possible through editing and retcons. Like in Tolkien for instance.

There is another kind of internal consistency though like the rules of the universe can’t be broken like you can’t Hyperspace skip, can’t lightpeed a ship into another, and can’t lightspeed through shields or go to lightspeed in a planets gravity well. You can’t teleport objects, force heal like a videogame. You can be a Jedi if you have the aptitude and apply yourself and you don’t need midichlorians.

What changes would you make to the Sequels?

Have 3 different directors but have a general outline for all 3 that each director agrees on. Or at least have them be all of a piece and not stand alones, or a duology and one standalone. I’m not gonna single out Rian, the trilogy would have been better if Duel of the Fates was made. Because you would have had 3 distinct visions. They course corrected too hard on 9 and if that Rey movie is made they have to deal with the consequences of that.

The Mini Death Star canon was a neat idea like a mini nuke and totally believable. Starkiller base was just another death star, and Star Destroyer death stars was ridiculous maybe one Super Destroyer or two might have one but a whole fleet, not believable.