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Evergreen Laserdisc of Raiders of the Lost Ark fairly decent if old video master which is the same as the original VHS. Audio is digital stereo original 35mm mix.

Empire Strikes Back i think its the first or second pressing from Japan on Laserdisc, very clean looking better than the US release even though the video master is identical. No crosstalk or rot. Full screen and analog audio only.

Both were very fun to watch in Standard Definition on an old 4:3 set.

I also watched a bit of 4K77 on my laptop, and The beginning of the Korean Temple of Doom pressing on laserdisc very orange colored transfer with a heavy amount of grain.

What changes would you make to the Sequels?

I would have cast Jessica Henwick as Rey. She would have no blood relation to Palpatine or the Skywalker clan. Through her hard work and determination and grit, leaning on her skills as a scavenger she would become a Jedi. Proving herself to Luke Skywalker.

And give Finn an actual character arc. He becomes a Jedi leads a rebellion of stormtroopers. He isn’t a janitor, he isn’t the new trilogy Jar Jar or comic relief. He doesn’t exist to just yell Rey!.

What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

I think they were a missed opportunity. Its so strange Lucas earlier outline was so good, yes it was very vague but it didn’t mess with OT continuity. Its like he overthought it when he finally started writing Phantom Menace. Added a bunch of not necessary exposition and new characters. The Original trilogy was simple and self contained. Its like he wanted to up his game for the prequel and fell flat on his face. The worldbuilding might be decent but the prequel lore is suspect. Others might disagree, that is fine.

People keep saying the lore is good and deep and well thought out and poorly executed.

What i understood Anakin was the chosen one, there was a bunch of other stuff about the Dark Side clouding the Jedi’s vision. I just don’t see good writing, likable characters. Believable relationships. I wish they were equal to the OT and connected with them, they don’t. Everybody complains about Disney Star Wars, the prequel is where Star Wars died. As a Saga of Cinema. Obviously the animated side, the comics and novels and games were good enough to keep the embers burning.

To me the fatal flaw of the entire prequel trilogy is how Anakin was written, his entire arc. Everyone singles out PM but i think its fine even if it should have started with a teenage Anakin or maybe even in his 20s. AOTC is only somewhat salvageable, ROTS is where it all goes off the rails. Anakin’s sudden turn makes no sense.

Most impressive film preservation project ?

Probably Empire Strikes Back 70mm i thought it was a lost cut for sure. My holy grail is a mag print of Star Wars 77 i dream someday it will happen.

That or THX 1138 will actually be preserved or American Graffiti.

4K83 No DNR is probably my favorite though. You would think it was an official release its very impressive.

<strong>Pre-PT era lore</strong> | an OT &amp; EU scrapbook resource | additional info &amp; sources welcome

I love Charley Lippincott, and how he proved Lucas had nothing planned out. I love the story conference for Splinter and Return of the Jedi for similar reasons. We’ve literally been lied to for decades.

This scrapbook shows the prequel itself wasn’t planned out by Lucas, except in the most vague ways. Ben and Vader duel over the volcano is pretty much all that goes back to the 70s. I love the concept that Palpatine and Yoda were not lightsaber users. The concept that anyone can use the Force, you just need training and discipline to get good at it and the Jedi are able to do that.

I like the idea Leia’s mom follows her to Alderaan and goes into hiding until she dies when she is very young. I like the idea of Vader hunting down the Jedi and the mystery that he was a dual character, a backstaber/ Vader in secret until he openly sided with The Emperor and hunted down and killed them all, no order 66. I like the original concept of the closeness of Obi-Wan with Luke’s mom, and Anakin’s jealously. Probably for the best the love triangle was dropped though the fact the one in the OT was also hamfistedly dropped and Leia made the sister, and how bad the romance scenes are in the prequel its for the best.

The part i know is correct is the original timeline of the Clone Wars being 40 or more years before Star Wars 1977. It makes sense with Ben’s age and Anakin’s age in the OT. 19 or 20 years before A New Hope as these people now call it i don’t, that makes no sense. What is Anakin in his 40’s in JEDI, Shaw doesn’t look 40.

Also we never saw the passionate Anakin who didn’t mind his farming and went on damn fool idealistic crusades. Resolving conflicts with a lightsaber and his skills as a pilot. adjudicator of justice. He never was a good friend slowly seduced to evil by political means and larger ideals. Sure we might consider Filoni’s Anakin closer to that, but i am talking about the movies.

The Unpopular Film, TV, Music, Art, Books, Comics, Games, &amp; Technology Opinion Thread (for all you contrarians!)

I didn’t like Mando it didn’t feel like Star Wars to me. Good show and enjoyable but it feels like Star Wars adjacent, but so very far away. Its more like one of those old EU things that wasn’t a part of the main story, like one of those books on the Bounty Hunters. or the criminal underworld in one of the anthology books. You know like a show that happens and exists in that world but doesn’t have Skywalker’s Jedi or Sith. At least until Luke showed up,lol.

The show i want will never be made the Luke Skywalker series set in between Return of the Jedi and Last Jedi. Now that Rey is going to rebuild the order Luke’s story purpose is redundant and unnecessary, so too expensive to deepfake Hamill for a series and no reason to.

All Things Star Trek

It was supposed to be just that Romulus was destroyed in both timelines/quantum realities. But the Discoverse has thrown all that out the window with all their changes to canon. They’ve changed whole backstories of TOS characters and their characteristics or when they joined the crew of the Enterprise, it can’t be the same Prime timeline. Even the Gorn are seen before they are supposed to be seen. They are more the evil unreasoning alien type from the Alien movies. Which isn’t a Star Trek thing, remember Devil in the Dark and how Spock grieved for the Horta.

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

Gandalf the Cyan said:

I, for one, am cautiously optimistic. I don’t want to get my hopes up too high, but she and Knight are both pretty competent.

And yeah, it’s crazy that people are hating on this movie while it’s still in pre-production.

That is exactly what they did to Dial of Destiny, made up a bunch of lies before a single frame was shot. Talked about wokeness and boycotted the movie. And they got their way it effected the box office there is no doubt about it, and they bragged over their victory.

These people were never gonna see the Rey movie anyway, per their channels calling her a Mary Sue. They won’t relent til either Kathy Kennedy is fired or Disney sells Lucasfilm.

What's your favorite Steven Spielberg movie?

Now or in the age of childhood?

Because if i want to be honest my childhood self would pick Temple of Doom. While as an adult i prefer Raiders of the Lost Ark. I’m glad its favorite because i’m not a film historian or professional reviewer to go and say how objectively the films Spielberg has made since Schindler’s are all better more adult faire.

I like the movies he made like Close Encounters, ET, and the Indiana Jones movies and Jaws. The popcorn flicks critics poo pooh and say aren’t worth their time. In the modern era my favorite films of his are Catch me if you can, and Minority Report.

I honestly don’t hate any of his movies except for the remake of War of the Worlds. Though there are some that were so boring i never finished. Most of those were topically political or historical in nature.

One i eventually finished which was a hard watch but was brilliant nontheless , Munich. I never did finish the Terminal or Bridge of Spies, or The Post. Did watch Lincoln more than once. War Horse was great.

Never watched the BFG. That was the kids one he made for Disney.

Last movie seen

CloakedDragon97 said:

I just watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind for the first time. Better practical effects than the original Star Wars trilogy. There I said it.

It should it was done on 65mm negative. Star Wars was on Vistavision 35.

Most of SW effects budget was in building the motion control system. Camera’s/ building optical printers. From what i’ve read they spent all of the 2 million effects budget with one acceptable shot. Whereas Doug did the entire show on CE for 3 million.

I wonder how ILM finished SW, i assume Lucas asked for more money to finish the movie. I do know Lucas held Dykstra responsible.

All Things Star Trek

They only admitted Disco was a visual reboot and that they made some canon changes in SNW. I’m fine mostly with the stuff inside the new Discoprise, the ship doesn’t look like the original on the outside though. And for everyone that said the original look would be impossible or ridiculous Terry had an original Connie design in Picard season 3.

The new design is nice don’t get me wrong its cool, its not the JJPrise, but its still not the ship from The Cage, or TOS.

To me the laziest thing they’ve done is use the Gorn and do an Alien/Aliens type of story. And kind of remaking old episodes like Balance of Terror, or City on the Edge of Forever. Or always going back to the super villain or Khan.

I like Chapel except for the murder episode, but she isn’t Chapel from TOS. And Spock isn’t Nimoy’s version.

I really like the new Uhura, and i sort of saw Laan as Worf/Tasha type. Ortegas feels to me like a Sulu type. the Swashbuckler, brave, daring best pilot. Number 1 was kind of week in season 2, Pike is such a empty character he could easily be cut, all he does is act like the cool uncle or cook in the kitchen he never comes off as a command guy making hard decisions like the Jeff Hunter version. I like Anson Mount but he is way too cool and smooth as a Starfleet Captain, its like they are trying to replicate Shatner Kirk. And that character wasn’t created to be cool, not in the way they do shows today where they insist upon it.

I guess Pike feels to me like Mount is playing Han Solo as dad.

Your DVD Collection

Ordered Dial of Destiny 4K/Blu combo. It has an isolated score. The digital which i already have has everything this does already but i don’t mind double dipping to complete my INDY blu-ray collection. The movie was hated for no reason even before a single second of it was shot. Its fun, its retro. But no its not the best thing ever. I still think people gave Jimmy Mangold a lot of undeserved flack for this flick. And the hate on for Kathy Kennedy is sickening.

Your DVD Collection

Added Tenchi Muyo THX laserdisc box. OBI, film cel everything looks good except the box has some tape damage. This was nearly as expensive as the Star Wars Definitive box with the making of trilogy. 143 plus tax.

But i have basically all the box sets i want now, except for the late reissue of the Urusei Yatsura film special collection, or Bubblegum Crisis late issue box.