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The Terminator (1984) - Original Theatrical Mono Preservation (Released)

SpacemanDoug said:

I am one of those apparently rare folks who prefers the MGM DVD track over the laserdisc

I’ve come to notice there is actually more high frequency detail on the DVD track compared to the LD track and it’s likely due to the DVD track being a direct transfer of the mono element compared to the LD which likely uses a higher generation element

Me too. I have both the Laserdisc and the MGM DVD tracks synced with the blu ray. I always use the MGM audio as it’s as you say clearly from a lower generation source. I think people get too hung up on lossy audio tracks. Most of the time the lossy compression is inaudible especially with a mid 80’s mono track such as this.

I also think the complaints about the MGM Blu Ray’s colours are unjustified. Personally I think that the Blu looks gorgeous if only T2 could get the same treatment as T1. The T2 4K master is unforgivably bad!

Info & Help Wanted: Bram Stoker's Dracula VHS audio rip


I was given the Bram Stoker’s Dracula, coffin shaped, box set for Christmas in 1993 when I was kid and have recently transferred the VHS onto my hard drive. The VHS looks like absolute garbage, I’m sure that it’s age related as I don’t remember it looking anywhere near as bad as it does. I was however very impressed with the audio, I used a HI FI video player for the transfer and was surprised at how nice the stereo track sounds.

I would love to integrate the audio track into a hi def copy of the film, as an extra audio track.
As I understand it I will need to slow the audio track by roughly 4% and sync it. What software could anyone recommend that I use?

I’ve also read somewhere that the VHS was a slightly longer cut of the film, I’ve watched it recently and didn’t notice any difference, does anyone know for certain if that’s true or not as I anticipate it being very difficult to sync if true?

Many thanks,

The Terminator - Color Regrade [No Longer Available]

Curiously the seller on ebay doesn’t show any sprocket holes of the Terminator strips which would almost certainly show the digital audio and categorically date it later than the 80’s.
The dolby S.R track is possibly 5.1 but looks like stereo to the naked eye, It would have to be laced up into a projector to know for sure. I miss my days as a projectonist!
I would love to get my hands on an original print from 1984, I don’t know how many were ever made back then and very few if any would have made their way over here to the u.k.