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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Harmy said:

@Dennis: Well, I meant you could just PM me the links and I'd add them to the main teh thread under the heading of "other language options" but you can of course start your own thread as well, if you want :-)

@Yirmeyahu: I'm taking care of the animation and stuff myself. I would however love for someone to do the menu (as in create the buttons and stuff) and disc authoring for me - it's way over my head and I don't really feel like learning it all.

 @Harmy: DVD authoring is something that I've been interested in taking a look at for myself. We can discuss design in PM if you're interested. My take is that design should be relatively consistent between the look and feel of the case art, menu background animations, alongside with screen layout/how screens are wireframed. The technical aspects of the DVD authoring process are just that and can be figured out (RTFM wins the day). Design comes first.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Yirmeyahu said:

I haven't seen this yet on the forums considering the very little time I've been here within the community, so please forgive me if it's come up already..

Knowing that Harmy is working on a future BD release with special features etc. and I'm guessing that this could take considerable time to publish; I'm wondering if instead of each of us individually authoring DVD/BD menus etc. if it would be possible for us as a community to create a menu shell specifically tailored for DE trilogy for all to use?

A little bit of community sourcing?

I'm not as familiar with DVD/BD authoring (I've only done it a handful of times myself) as I am with other forms of interactive digital media so I will leave this to the more experienced community members to answer. (And if this has been brought up already, or if I've missed it elsewhere in the forums, then I apologise!)

But it seems to me that if the more experienced community members were able to collaborate on creating a standardized menu shell for Harmy's DE, it would allow for easier customization (DVD5/9 & BD etc) alongside a fleshed out tutorial (how to add/remove audio tracks or add special features etc. on top of the base shell that would be provided).

I have experience with special effects and various forms of animation. I'm sure others in the community have a mountain of media talent to contribute. We could create some very elegant, minimalistically animated/designed menus.

Does this seem to be a pointless endeavor? Has this been done? Are there technical aspects of the DVD/BD authoring process that I am currently ignorant?

I would love to hear some feedback on this and if this would in anyway contribute to your work Harmy, I would be more than happy to put time in on this as I'm sure others would as well. If executed properly, I think that this could be an excellent compliment to not just the amazing work that Harmy and other editors have shared with the community, but also to the amazing disc/case art for the DE.


 *bump* ?

Is anyone interested in this or not so really? Too ambitious? No real need for it? What are your thoughts @Harmy?

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Kestrel said:

Just finished downloading all three movies but the ROTJ torrent just gives me folder title "BDMV" with a couple .bdmv files in it and a .m2ts streaming file in it but no .iso? 

 I have the same thing. I have the mkv and downloaded the dvd9s separately as I'm not familiar with the packaging process. These files would be the same within the iso (just a container for the files). I think you can just add them into an iso and burn them. Probably should work. I'll let you know if I get to trying it soon.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

CatBus said:

Yirmeyahu said:

chyron8472 said:


 Am I being too long winded here? *The black wind howls*

No, you've just posted to a thread that takes long, scenic strolls through off-topic now and again.

We also have a more utilitarian and general-purpose Howto/Technical forum which might be a little more topical to your question, or at least be better able to stay on topic.

Or should that be "brief dashes through on-topic"?

 I don't mind "off topic". I didn't post it over there b/c it directly and more specifically relates to Harmy's DE. So I thought I'd throw it out here and see what you all thought. Is there interest for this?

Personally, I'm not interested in working on a general shell. I think DE is awesome and would like to support the project directly as well as help other less technically savvy folks to enjoy as we all have. Ya dig?

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

I haven't seen this yet on the forums considering the very little time I've been here within the community, so please forgive me if it's come up already..

Knowing that Harmy is working on a future BD release with special features etc. and I'm guessing that this could take considerable time to publish; I'm wondering if instead of each of us individually authoring DVD/BD menus etc. if it would be possible for us as a community to create a menu shell specifically tailored for DE trilogy for all to use?

A little bit of community sourcing?

I'm not as familiar with DVD/BD authoring (I've only done it a handful of times myself) as I am with other forms of interactive digital media so I will leave this to the more experienced community members to answer. (And if this has been brought up already, or if I've missed it elsewhere in the forums, then I apologise!)

But it seems to me that if the more experienced community members were able to collaborate on creating a standardized menu shell for Harmy's DE, it would allow for easier customization (DVD5/9 & BD etc) alongside a fleshed out tutorial (how to add/remove audio tracks or add special features etc. on top of the base shell that would be provided).

I have experience with special effects and various forms of animation. I'm sure others in the community have a mountain of media talent to contribute. We could create some very elegant, minimalistically animated/designed menus.

Does this seem to be a pointless endeavor? Has this been done? Are there technical aspects of the DVD/BD authoring process that I am currently ignorant?

I would love to hear some feedback on this and if this would in anyway contribute to your work Harmy, I would be more than happy to put time in on this as I'm sure others would as well. If executed properly, I think that this could be an excellent compliment to not just the amazing work that Harmy and other editors have shared with the community, but also to the amazing disc/case art for the DE.


Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Handman said:

Yirmeyahu said:

Amazing work Harmy! Much respect to you and the community.

I've recently watched the 10min short "making of" video on YT, taking into account all of the sources used to create the DE.

Very impressive work.. I'm at a loss for words..


It looks as though you are planning on a full BD release with additional special features. Is this correct?

 Hey, Kermit, welcome to the forum!

Harmy is currently working on the full BD release w/ special features, but I don't think it will be released until he finishes Jedi 2.0, if I'm remembering correctly. At any rate, I'm sure it will be worth the wait.

 Thanks! I'm certain that it will be!

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

chyron8472 said:

I don't think you understand.

MySpleen is a private torrent tracker (meaning you must be invited to set up an account and the .torrents it lists are permanently blocked from using any other peer discovery methods outside of the MySpleen tracker itself.)

Suffice it to say, what you should do (after having bought official copies of the Original Trilogy) is:

- get an invite to Myspleen and create an account,

- search MySpleen for "Harmy"

- download the v2.5 AVCHD of Star Wars, the v2.0 AVCHD of ESB, and the v1.0 AVCHD of ROTJ (as those are the lastest respective versions of each)

- buy blank Memorex DVD9's (or DVD-DL's)

- burn each AVCHD to a DVD.

- Enjoy watching them on your Bluray player.



You will likely not (and hopefully not) find anyone here who will sell copies of the Despecialized Edition to you. For one thing, to profit from this project is illegal. So, either they will give a copy to you entirely for free out of their own expense or else they will help you to do it yourself.

Most likely the latter. Not because we're jerks. But because I would imagine if anyone wanted to give out a copy, they'd want to do it properly and also include DVD or Bluray cases and labels both in the cases and on the discs.

I've always said that the mark of a good fan edit (or preservation/restoration in this case) is that it doesn't look fan made. Giving you a burned disc with Sharpie written on it in a cheap case with a post-it on it would seem to be half-assing it and I don't see the people here doing that for a project as wonderful and as important as this is.

 This is incredibly useful. Thank you for this explanation. I was a little confused about this as well and had to do some research. But you summed it up quite nicely! :-)

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Amazing work Harmy! Much respect to you and the community.

I've recently watched the 10min short "making of" video on YT, taking into account all of the sources used to create the DE.

Very impressive work.. I'm at a loss for words..


It looks as though you are planning on a full BD release with additional special features. Is this correct?